Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Image: Eugene Terreblanche, announcing the relaunch of the AWB

Some great news- or perhaps not such great news- depending on one’s perspective (and skin colour) is that the AWB yesterday announced its reactivation. The besieged White community is crying out for some firm, no bullshit leadership in this its dark hour. Whether such leadership will come from the likes of Eugene Terreblanche remains to be seen. One can argue on the one hand “any port in a storm is a safe haven” but on the other hand (seen against the backdrop of events in the past two months- most notably the election of the new Dingaan, South Africa’s own Hitler-cum-Stalin-cum-Idi Amin-cum Mugabe - Jacob Zuma, plus the massive escalation in racial polarisation and black - white antipathy) that the re-emergence of the AWB simply marks the closeness of the our of all-out racial war.

President-in-waiting, Jacob Zuma

Gloomy as it might sound, I therefore greet the news of the AWB’s return with a modicum of trepidation and worry, not to mention ambivalence. I use the term ‘ambivalence’, because we do need some organisation who should genuinely represent the interests of the White tribe as a whole, and do so with a bit of “kragdadigheid”or forcefulness. In Africa, the only leaders who get any respect are the violent, the single-minded and the ruthless. Anything less on this dark continent simply gets defecated and trampled upon. Any whiff of appeasement or willingness to consider the claim to lebensraum of the other chap is considered a mortal weakness, as recent history, especially the pre-1994 “negotiations” farce will attest to.

In the past few months, we’ve seen an all-out war on Whites. Cold-blooded executions of White males during hijackings, home invasions and armed robberies are mandatory, usually during or after the violent rape of their womenfolk. Our old folk seem to bear the brunt of unimaginable brutality, like having their fingers cut off one by one with pruning shears. Our children are being shot at and stabbed at school by their black classmates, while our young White women are being abducted by Nigerian pimps and drug lords, fed heroin, abused as prostitutes for a month or so, after which they are unceremoniously murdered and dumped on a roadside somewhere.

This all while Grand Apartheid is being revived by the likes of the Forum for Black Journalists - and hardly a peep is heard from the international media. But woe betide you if, in your infantile moment of post-pubescent student stupidity dare to make a home-grown “Jack-ass” type video. Never mind that you didn’t use a single racial epithet, that those starring in the video did so without any coercion, and in fact happily participated - just the fact that you showed blacks in their natural, subjugated state will earn you the wrath of the world. And so it was, with BBC, CNN and Sky running this ridiculous story as a lead item for days on end. It was yanked completely out of all proportion, and milked for all its worth to ratchet up anti-White sentiment. Jeff, do you still think we on WSAS should “tone things down” so as to brown-nose what the average Yank or Eurabian asshole thinks?

Also rather interesting, the timing of this six month old video. The black terrorist regime’s been taking a lot of flak for their own incompetence & overt racism in the past few weeks. The last time something similar happened was when the country freaked out over Janine Drennen, her mother and baby daughter’s shocking rape and murder. Then the porch monkeys were quick to dredge out an equally ancient video on some East Rand Dog Squad cops klapping a few Mozambican coons, and voila - they’d successfully managed to refocus the sheeple’s attention elsewhere.

So it made me wonder - if the local flat noses and their running dog international media cohorts freaked out to the extent that they did, can you imagine how they would react to a locally produced snuff movie along the lines of Iraqi insurgent type videos. Just visualise this - catch a few Azanian rapist / hijacker / murderer / torturer savages, cut their worthless fucking heads off while taping in glorious Sony Betacam Technicolor, and have this distributed to the world.

Image: Liberian gentleman will give you head

I really abhor and detest violence, but I’ll tell you, it won’t take much to convince me to join a posse that will set out to do this. My first stop would be to that vile beast (Kekana) who abducted Janine Drennen, murdered her mother, then murdered her 2 year old little toddler whilst raping the hysterical woman and finally killing her too. Next up are the stinking savages who at point-blank range shot the little Esterhuysen toddler at the Randfontein dam in December 2006, and for good measure, that Zimboonian piece of subhuman shit who tortured and murdered those old folks in Naboomspruit. It would be interesting to see how they enjoy having their toes and fingers cut off with pruning shears. How loudly they would scream for their mothers as a red-hot iron sizzles their flesh, boiling water scalds their filth-encrusted skin, electric drill hits bone and cartilage, how they would piss and soil their pants as their burry heads are slowly severed from their shit skin bodies with a rusty saw or blunt hunting knife. Not so fucking brave now, are you Mr. AK47 wielding criminal monkey boy? Eissh hau, just wait till your taggas see this tape! Whitey is no more Mr Nice Guy…

Now that will give CNN, BBC and the other peddlers of bullshit something to show to their aghast viewers. Fuck the Reitz university tape! Just as the sheer bloody-mindedness and utter savagery of those towel-headed camel-screwing dune coons in Iraq shocked and revulsed the world with what amounted to a brilliant if inhuman propaganda coup, so would taped vigilante executions electrify the world to what is going down in South Africa. It will probably also unleash a racial war which will make Darfour and Kigali look like rehearsals. So the question is this - is this war something we have to fear? My first instinct is to say, hell yes! But on closer inspection, the truth is that we are ALREADY at war, and have been for the past 20 years. Can they get any more brutal and savage during house invasions, hijackings or armed robberies? I doubt it. They can only kill you once, although in some Americoon’s immortal words, they should dig the dead whites up and kill them again…

Some wise sage once said that it is better to die free, than to live on your knees as a slave. We Whites are slaves to fear, every waking moment of our shitty Azanian lives. We go to sleep scared, we wake up scared, we drive to work scared, we return home scared. I’m sick & tired of living scared - scared of what they will do to my wife, my family, my friends and my colleagues, because of what’s happened to some family members, friends and associates.

So perhaps the resurgence of the AWB is a clarion call - a line drawn in the sand - to here and no fucking further will we tolerate this shit any more. Bring it on, bring your HIV-positive, drug-addicted SANDF rag tag bandits, or your fat, dumb and arrogant cops, lets settle this now, once and for all. Or back off, give us our living space, our dignity and our right as equal, first class citizens of this beautiful country.

Whether Oom Eugene’s character-strengthening trials and tribulations of the past ten years have made him into something to fear, instead of someone to laugh at, remains to be seen. I for one sincerely hope he’s still got his balls of steel, and that he’s got some grip on his formerly uncontrollable lust for dop & doos. Lets hope he’s wizened up to dropping the crippled swastika, the red, white & black flags and all the National Socialist paraphernalia they stupidly draped themselves with. There are some really clever, wealthy and astute people who moved right of spectrum in the past few years, so ET wouldn’t find a shortage of PHD grads he can call on for counsel or funding. I hold thumbs that now, the second time around, he’ll prevail, and to this end, I give him my guarded backing. Go kick ass, ET! God knows, your country needs you, now more than ever.


The Return of the AWB

The right-wing Afrikaner Resistance Movement / Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), has announced its re-activation to combat what it describes as a rapidly-deteriorating situation in South

“We were not very active because of political problems we [the AWB] had in the country”, Andre Visagie, general of the AWB, told talk radio show The Right Perspective. “But at this point in time the pressure from the people itself has been so much that we cannot go on any longer without reactivating the AWB and making it even larger than it was in the past”.

Gen. Visagie says the AWB seeks to combat not only the “rampant political corruption and crime” going on in South Africa, but what he “calls the total onslaught on the infrastructure,” such as the current power outages plaguing the country, and a declining value of the South African Rand in the currencies market.

The breaking point for the AWB, Gen. Visagie told The Right Perspective, was when white reporters were recently chucked out of a press conference for the ANC. “They were humilated just for the color of our skin. They are trying to humilate us, to kill us like they done to us on the farms already. We are fighting for human rights,” Gen. Visagie said.

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