Sunday, February 3, 2008

It Starts With Immigration and Ends With Dispossession

According to the latest predictions from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) the number of immigrants in Britain will double over the next two decades to almost 10 million – which is broadly in line with the estimate suggested by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) as recently as last year. This nation-wrecking growth in migrant numbers is equivalent to adding a city the size of Oxford to Britain’s population every year! If these figures are remotely accurate then native Britons not only will see the education, public health, police and social services for which they pay stretched to breaking point over the next few years, but also face being reduced to a minority in a growing number of cities and towns throughout Britain.

The latest revelations reinforces the commonly held view that the Labour government has completely lost control of Britain’s immigration system – not that they, or the pro-immigration Tory regime before them, ever made a serious effort to control immigration. Typically, the hypocritical Tories, the party that has done as much as Labour to flood our country with unwanted migrants, is now attempting to score cheap political points. One leading Tory is on record as claiming that:

“Figures like these show why the Government must adopt our policy of setting an annual limit on immigration which takes into account its impact, not just on the economy but on housing and the wider public service infrastructure. They must also answer our calls to impose transitional controls on future EU members.”

Strange that the Tories didn’t take their own “medicine” when last in office, is it not? And, just to reinforce the pro-immigration stance of the unscrupulous Tories, the same spokesman went on to say: “Immigration can be of real benefit to our country, but not all or any immigration.”

We further understand that researchers at the IPPR used United Nations figures to perform an extrapolation of the growth in the size of Britain’s overall population to the year 2030. As a result they estimated that the number of immigrants will rise to 9.1 million during that time, up from the 5.4 million (“illegals” not included) at present. No estimates have been provided as to the growth of second and third generation immigrant communities already established here. One IPPR researcher is quoted as admitting that the predicted massive volume of newcomers would create “pinch points” in many towns and cities. She said: “We need to acknowledge that migration is here to stay. Our future population will be more diverse ethnically. The absolute scale of migration does put pressure on particular public services but the issue is to make sure that the funding of public services is flexible and responsive enough to deal with these localised pinch points.”

As repeatedly stated by the BNP, immigration is placing increasing strain on both public services and the taxpayers’ who fund those services! In many areas schools are struggling to cope with surges in pupil numbers because of the huge influx of immigrant families. In London, for instance, it is now acknowledged that native British kids are in the minority in at least 25% of schools! Furthermore, recent figures show that one in eight pupils in British schools do not even speak English as a first language.

In addition, as our irreplaceable countryside continues to be buried under a tidal wave of concrete, whilst pro-immigration Labour Ministers gleefully claim that a further two million new homes will have to be built by 2026 to house the extra migrants they intend letting into the country. To which we could add recent warnings from police chiefs that soaring levels of immigration are feeding a new wave of violent crime.

Outrageously, the IPPR is also proposing an amnesty for around half a million illegal immigrants - for no other reason than it believes that would be a first step towards the Government “regaining control of immigration”. This follows the sensational admission last month that 19,000 failed asylum seekers had been permitted to remain in Britain!

What we are witnessing through the process of immigration is nothing less than the dispossession of the native British people of their homeland – a process that should be complete around 2070!

Immigration plus colonisation equals dispossession, it is as simple as that!

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