Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Image: Eugene Terreblanche, announcing the relaunch of the AWB

Some great news- or perhaps not such great news- depending on one’s perspective (and skin colour) is that the AWB yesterday announced its reactivation. The besieged White community is crying out for some firm, no bullshit leadership in this its dark hour. Whether such leadership will come from the likes of Eugene Terreblanche remains to be seen. One can argue on the one hand “any port in a storm is a safe haven” but on the other hand (seen against the backdrop of events in the past two months- most notably the election of the new Dingaan, South Africa’s own Hitler-cum-Stalin-cum-Idi Amin-cum Mugabe - Jacob Zuma, plus the massive escalation in racial polarisation and black - white antipathy) that the re-emergence of the AWB simply marks the closeness of the our of all-out racial war.

President-in-waiting, Jacob Zuma

Gloomy as it might sound, I therefore greet the news of the AWB’s return with a modicum of trepidation and worry, not to mention ambivalence. I use the term ‘ambivalence’, because we do need some organisation who should genuinely represent the interests of the White tribe as a whole, and do so with a bit of “kragdadigheid”or forcefulness. In Africa, the only leaders who get any respect are the violent, the single-minded and the ruthless. Anything less on this dark continent simply gets defecated and trampled upon. Any whiff of appeasement or willingness to consider the claim to lebensraum of the other chap is considered a mortal weakness, as recent history, especially the pre-1994 “negotiations” farce will attest to.

In the past few months, we’ve seen an all-out war on Whites. Cold-blooded executions of White males during hijackings, home invasions and armed robberies are mandatory, usually during or after the violent rape of their womenfolk. Our old folk seem to bear the brunt of unimaginable brutality, like having their fingers cut off one by one with pruning shears. Our children are being shot at and stabbed at school by their black classmates, while our young White women are being abducted by Nigerian pimps and drug lords, fed heroin, abused as prostitutes for a month or so, after which they are unceremoniously murdered and dumped on a roadside somewhere.

This all while Grand Apartheid is being revived by the likes of the Forum for Black Journalists - and hardly a peep is heard from the international media. But woe betide you if, in your infantile moment of post-pubescent student stupidity dare to make a home-grown “Jack-ass” type video. Never mind that you didn’t use a single racial epithet, that those starring in the video did so without any coercion, and in fact happily participated - just the fact that you showed blacks in their natural, subjugated state will earn you the wrath of the world. And so it was, with BBC, CNN and Sky running this ridiculous story as a lead item for days on end. It was yanked completely out of all proportion, and milked for all its worth to ratchet up anti-White sentiment. Jeff, do you still think we on WSAS should “tone things down” so as to brown-nose what the average Yank or Eurabian asshole thinks?

Also rather interesting, the timing of this six month old video. The black terrorist regime’s been taking a lot of flak for their own incompetence & overt racism in the past few weeks. The last time something similar happened was when the country freaked out over Janine Drennen, her mother and baby daughter’s shocking rape and murder. Then the porch monkeys were quick to dredge out an equally ancient video on some East Rand Dog Squad cops klapping a few Mozambican coons, and voila - they’d successfully managed to refocus the sheeple’s attention elsewhere.

So it made me wonder - if the local flat noses and their running dog international media cohorts freaked out to the extent that they did, can you imagine how they would react to a locally produced snuff movie along the lines of Iraqi insurgent type videos. Just visualise this - catch a few Azanian rapist / hijacker / murderer / torturer savages, cut their worthless fucking heads off while taping in glorious Sony Betacam Technicolor, and have this distributed to the world.

Image: Liberian gentleman will give you head

I really abhor and detest violence, but I’ll tell you, it won’t take much to convince me to join a posse that will set out to do this. My first stop would be to that vile beast (Kekana) who abducted Janine Drennen, murdered her mother, then murdered her 2 year old little toddler whilst raping the hysterical woman and finally killing her too. Next up are the stinking savages who at point-blank range shot the little Esterhuysen toddler at the Randfontein dam in December 2006, and for good measure, that Zimboonian piece of subhuman shit who tortured and murdered those old folks in Naboomspruit. It would be interesting to see how they enjoy having their toes and fingers cut off with pruning shears. How loudly they would scream for their mothers as a red-hot iron sizzles their flesh, boiling water scalds their filth-encrusted skin, electric drill hits bone and cartilage, how they would piss and soil their pants as their burry heads are slowly severed from their shit skin bodies with a rusty saw or blunt hunting knife. Not so fucking brave now, are you Mr. AK47 wielding criminal monkey boy? Eissh hau, just wait till your taggas see this tape! Whitey is no more Mr Nice Guy…

Now that will give CNN, BBC and the other peddlers of bullshit something to show to their aghast viewers. Fuck the Reitz university tape! Just as the sheer bloody-mindedness and utter savagery of those towel-headed camel-screwing dune coons in Iraq shocked and revulsed the world with what amounted to a brilliant if inhuman propaganda coup, so would taped vigilante executions electrify the world to what is going down in South Africa. It will probably also unleash a racial war which will make Darfour and Kigali look like rehearsals. So the question is this - is this war something we have to fear? My first instinct is to say, hell yes! But on closer inspection, the truth is that we are ALREADY at war, and have been for the past 20 years. Can they get any more brutal and savage during house invasions, hijackings or armed robberies? I doubt it. They can only kill you once, although in some Americoon’s immortal words, they should dig the dead whites up and kill them again…

Some wise sage once said that it is better to die free, than to live on your knees as a slave. We Whites are slaves to fear, every waking moment of our shitty Azanian lives. We go to sleep scared, we wake up scared, we drive to work scared, we return home scared. I’m sick & tired of living scared - scared of what they will do to my wife, my family, my friends and my colleagues, because of what’s happened to some family members, friends and associates.

So perhaps the resurgence of the AWB is a clarion call - a line drawn in the sand - to here and no fucking further will we tolerate this shit any more. Bring it on, bring your HIV-positive, drug-addicted SANDF rag tag bandits, or your fat, dumb and arrogant cops, lets settle this now, once and for all. Or back off, give us our living space, our dignity and our right as equal, first class citizens of this beautiful country.

Whether Oom Eugene’s character-strengthening trials and tribulations of the past ten years have made him into something to fear, instead of someone to laugh at, remains to be seen. I for one sincerely hope he’s still got his balls of steel, and that he’s got some grip on his formerly uncontrollable lust for dop & doos. Lets hope he’s wizened up to dropping the crippled swastika, the red, white & black flags and all the National Socialist paraphernalia they stupidly draped themselves with. There are some really clever, wealthy and astute people who moved right of spectrum in the past few years, so ET wouldn’t find a shortage of PHD grads he can call on for counsel or funding. I hold thumbs that now, the second time around, he’ll prevail, and to this end, I give him my guarded backing. Go kick ass, ET! God knows, your country needs you, now more than ever.


The Return of the AWB

The right-wing Afrikaner Resistance Movement / Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), has announced its re-activation to combat what it describes as a rapidly-deteriorating situation in South

“We were not very active because of political problems we [the AWB] had in the country”, Andre Visagie, general of the AWB, told talk radio show The Right Perspective. “But at this point in time the pressure from the people itself has been so much that we cannot go on any longer without reactivating the AWB and making it even larger than it was in the past”.

Gen. Visagie says the AWB seeks to combat not only the “rampant political corruption and crime” going on in South Africa, but what he “calls the total onslaught on the infrastructure,” such as the current power outages plaguing the country, and a declining value of the South African Rand in the currencies market.

The breaking point for the AWB, Gen. Visagie told The Right Perspective, was when white reporters were recently chucked out of a press conference for the ANC. “They were humilated just for the color of our skin. They are trying to humilate us, to kill us like they done to us on the farms already. We are fighting for human rights,” Gen. Visagie said.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sarkozy tente de de justifier la ratification du Traité UE par voie parlementaire

Immigration et enrichissement de l’Europe en tarés congénitaux

En Grande-Bretagne, alors que les enfants d’immigrés pakistanais ne représentent que 3% (trois) des naissances, ils constituent 33% (trente-trois) des cas de tares et maladies génétiques.

Le ministre anglais Phil Woolas a déclaré : “Parlez à n’importe quel travailleur social, il vous dira que le taux de handicap parmi les pakistanais est plus élevé que dans le reste de la population. Et tout le monde sait que c’est à cause des mariages arrangés entre cousins ou cousins germains. Et personne n’en parle. C’est une question très sensible et il n’y a donc aucun débat à ce sujet”.

“Si vous allez dans un service pédiatrique dans des villes comme Bradford, vous verrez que la moitié des cas sont d’origine pakistanaise, alors qu’ils ne représentent qu’entre 20 et 30% de la population.” (source) - Merci à Insoumission

La situation est identique en Australie : voir ici

L’immigration, une riche idée…

Grande-Bretagne : la communauté musulmane couvre les crimes “pour l’honneur”

Un rapport anglais révèle que des communautés entières sont impliquées dans la participation aux “violences pour l’honneur” et à la dissimulation de crimes : un réseau informel de chauffeurs de taxi, d’élus municipaux et mêmes de policiers participe à la recherche et au retour forcé des femmes qui essayent de s’échapper. Le rapport indique que ce problème existe dans les communautés musulmanes, Sikh et hinduistes, et ce même chez les immigrés de deuxième génération.

Des femmes ont été violées, violentées, voire tuées pour avoir entretenu des relations “inappropriées”, pour avoir voulu suivre des études, ou simplement pour avoir écouté de la musique occidentale. Le rapport indique également que les municipalités ne réagissent pas, à cause du “politiquement correct” et par peur d’être accusées de racisme.

Beaucoup d’homme pakistanais, qui ont pourtant grandi en Grande-Bretagne, veulent épouser des femmes sans éducation, “non-contaminées” par les idées occidentales de liberté ou d’indépendance. “Dans certaines villes de Grande-Bretagne, à voir comment sont traitées les femmes, on se croirait dans des régions reculées du Cachemire”, déclare un représentant des autorités. Tous les mois, une femme est tuée pour “l’honneur”. (source)

À transmettre à votre gauchiste préféré quand il vous parle d’enrichissement multi-culturel et d’une manière générale à tout ceux qui sont persuadés qu’en mélangeant du vinaigre à un grand cru, on obtient un vin encore meilleur…

SA: Spending Tax Payers Money

The UK Media turns a blind "I"

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sturmwehr- Treue und Ehre

Sleipnir - wunderbare jahre

Landser - Rock gegen ZOG


British Citizen Murdered for Bumping Stranger

An innocent commuter was stabbed to death by a teenager after accidentally bumping into him at a bus stop, a court heard yesterday.

Timothy Smith, 38, had stepped back to read the electronic timetable.

In doing so, he blocked the path of Rickell Patterson, then 16, who was cycling along the crowded pavement on his BMX bike.

Enraged, Patterson pulled out a kitchen knife and plunged it into Mr Smith's chest before riding off, leaving him bleeding to death in front of dozens of onlookers.

The 3inch blade punctured a lung and vein. Mr Smith, a freelance journalist, died later that day in hospital.

At Nottingham Crown Court yesterday, Patterson, now 17, was sentenced to life and ordered to serve a minimum of 14 years in jail after being convicted of murder.

Last night Mr Smith's family called for tougher sentencing for knife crime.

His brother Chris, 42, said: "Every time I look at a knife, a small knife, an ordinary knife, I wonder was it like this?

"It haunts me. He was touched by pure evil that day and we are the ones serving the life sentence.

"This is the reality of knife crime, this poison, what it leaves behind and destroys.

"Where is the real deterrent, the penalty for carrying knives?"

The jury heard that Mr Smith was waiting at the bus stop in Nottingham after visiting a library on the evening of May 1.

After the collision with the bike, a scuffle broke out and Patterson told him: 'You got in the line of fire', then pulled the knife.

Frances Oldham QC, prosecuting, said Mr Smith "appeared not to understand what he was supposed to have done" when Patterson confronted him.

Patterson, a part-time computer student, slapped Mr Smith around the face, knocking his sunglasses off, before stabbing him once.

Patterson, of St Ann's, Nottingham, later threw the knife away and burned his blood- stained clothes.

But the next day, he handed himself into police.

He said he acted in self-defence after Mr Smith "went crazy".

He also claimed he carried the knife to defend himself against youths from rival estates in the city.

Sentencing, Mr Justice Teare told Patterson: "Nothing he did justified any action from you, let alone his death.

"This was a senseless and unprovoked act on an innocent and unsuspecting member of the public."

It Starts With Immigration and Ends With Dispossession

According to the latest predictions from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) the number of immigrants in Britain will double over the next two decades to almost 10 million – which is broadly in line with the estimate suggested by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) as recently as last year. This nation-wrecking growth in migrant numbers is equivalent to adding a city the size of Oxford to Britain’s population every year! If these figures are remotely accurate then native Britons not only will see the education, public health, police and social services for which they pay stretched to breaking point over the next few years, but also face being reduced to a minority in a growing number of cities and towns throughout Britain.

The latest revelations reinforces the commonly held view that the Labour government has completely lost control of Britain’s immigration system – not that they, or the pro-immigration Tory regime before them, ever made a serious effort to control immigration. Typically, the hypocritical Tories, the party that has done as much as Labour to flood our country with unwanted migrants, is now attempting to score cheap political points. One leading Tory is on record as claiming that:

“Figures like these show why the Government must adopt our policy of setting an annual limit on immigration which takes into account its impact, not just on the economy but on housing and the wider public service infrastructure. They must also answer our calls to impose transitional controls on future EU members.”

Strange that the Tories didn’t take their own “medicine” when last in office, is it not? And, just to reinforce the pro-immigration stance of the unscrupulous Tories, the same spokesman went on to say: “Immigration can be of real benefit to our country, but not all or any immigration.”

We further understand that researchers at the IPPR used United Nations figures to perform an extrapolation of the growth in the size of Britain’s overall population to the year 2030. As a result they estimated that the number of immigrants will rise to 9.1 million during that time, up from the 5.4 million (“illegals” not included) at present. No estimates have been provided as to the growth of second and third generation immigrant communities already established here. One IPPR researcher is quoted as admitting that the predicted massive volume of newcomers would create “pinch points” in many towns and cities. She said: “We need to acknowledge that migration is here to stay. Our future population will be more diverse ethnically. The absolute scale of migration does put pressure on particular public services but the issue is to make sure that the funding of public services is flexible and responsive enough to deal with these localised pinch points.”

As repeatedly stated by the BNP, immigration is placing increasing strain on both public services and the taxpayers’ who fund those services! In many areas schools are struggling to cope with surges in pupil numbers because of the huge influx of immigrant families. In London, for instance, it is now acknowledged that native British kids are in the minority in at least 25% of schools! Furthermore, recent figures show that one in eight pupils in British schools do not even speak English as a first language.

In addition, as our irreplaceable countryside continues to be buried under a tidal wave of concrete, whilst pro-immigration Labour Ministers gleefully claim that a further two million new homes will have to be built by 2026 to house the extra migrants they intend letting into the country. To which we could add recent warnings from police chiefs that soaring levels of immigration are feeding a new wave of violent crime.

Outrageously, the IPPR is also proposing an amnesty for around half a million illegal immigrants - for no other reason than it believes that would be a first step towards the Government “regaining control of immigration”. This follows the sensational admission last month that 19,000 failed asylum seekers had been permitted to remain in Britain!

What we are witnessing through the process of immigration is nothing less than the dispossession of the native British people of their homeland – a process that should be complete around 2070!

Immigration plus colonisation equals dispossession, it is as simple as that!

Meet the BNP's blonde bombshell - an elegant, utterly respectable, middle class mother of three

What community wouldn't be proud to have a Donna Bailey in its midst?

Committed to civic improvement, she's just as determined to mend broken swings in the park as she is to stop teenagers hanging around the local corner shop in the evenings.

Such is the message coming from the fellow mothers huddled in the park in question, a sorely neglected corner of the quaint West Sussex village of Upper Beeding.

The mums here call Donna - a warm, blue-eyed beautician, who offers facials at very reasonable rates - one of their own, which in itself is something of an accolade.

They tell you that Upper Beeding is actually the sort of place where you are an outsider until your family has lived here for three generations.

Donna, 41, however, has been brought into the fold in an astonishing four years, since moving here with her three children to start a new life after a painful divorce.

"She's a marvellous person. She's just thrown herself-into helping the community, and there aren't a lot of people like that around these days," explains Lorraine Blain, 38, who runs the local pub.

"She raised money for the school, helping them buy laptops, and she's forever talking about how we've got to do something for the youngsters, to stop them loitering at the local convenience store every night."

No surprises then that her fellow mums supported Donna when she told them she was thinking of standing for the parish council.

Indeed, her being appointed seemed assured, given that at most meetings she was the only one of the public who deigned to turn up to watch the proceedings.

That was, however, until a startling discovery was made by existing members of the parish council. A little bit of internet research - carried out, it seems, more through curiosity than anything else - revealed that nice blonde, friendly, efficient Donna was, in fact, a member of the British National Party, and a very active member at that.

On two previous occasions she had stood, unsuccessfully, as a district councillor in neighbouring areas, representing a party that many on the parish council - indeed the country at large - regard as, at best, racist and unsavoury and, at worst, downright dangerous.

So was this really the sort of woman the village wanted at its core? The councillors thought not, and voted to reject her application.

Then something rather unexpected - some say, worrying - happened. Donna's friends got to hear of the matter, and were outraged.

She asked some of them to come with her to the next parish council meeting, and voice their objections.

So they did. One night just before Christmas, some 23 of them marched into the meeting, where Donna demanded another vote. They got their wish, but her application was rejected once more.

Scroll down for more...

Upper Beeding: And idyllic English village

By this time, Donna and her supporters were furious. Upper Beeding had never seen anything quite like it. Abusive posters had already appeared on lampposts - likening Donna to a Nazi sympathiser.

Insults were thrown, some in the street; friendships of many years destroyed. The whole village was in uproar.

And the upshot? Donna is still demanding her place on the parish council, and has forced a by-election for the seat. Now, two opponents have emerged - desperate to keep her, and all she represents, out.

On Thursday next week, villagers go to the polls for a parish election - something that has not happened since 1974.

The mums in the park will roll their eyes and tell you that this is nothing to do with the BNP, and that they are rooting for Donna simply because they want a new swing and, one day, maybe a youth club.

Yet her opponents say that their lovely little village is on the verge of being infiltrated by the darkest force of all.

"Can't they see what is going on here," says the parish council's deputy chairman Simon Birnstingl, admitting that he is afraid of how the vote will go.

"You give the BNP a toehold in a place like this today - and what happens tomorrow?"

Democracy will decide this particular political hot potato in Upper Beeding. But we should all be watching. Because next week there might be a Donna Bailey in your street, and will you want her there?

Somehow it is shocking that Donna Bailey has peach walls in her living room. "What did you expect? Swastikas and skinheads?" she jokes, as she makes coffee.

"I think you'll find I'm quite normal really."

The usual face of the BNP: Leader Nick Griffin

And she is. She is pretty and funny and helpful and bright. Her critics would say this is what makes her more dangerous than any bile-spouting National Front lout.

She describes how she got involved with the BNP in the same breezy manner that she tells me about the rest of her life.

She was born in East London, she says. Working-class parents. Dad was a bus driver, Mum a cleaner in an old people's home. She isn't sure, but they were "probably" Labour supporters.

She left home to go to university, studying German and business, then worked in retail, at one time as a buyer for Debenhams in the Midlands.

She had three children, but split up from their father and moved south, settling in the "idyllic, lovely" Upper Beeding, where she retrained as a beauty therapist "so I could spend more time with the kids, really".

So, Donna, how do we get to the point where you are a card-carrying member of the BNP?

"It's quite simple really," she says. "I've always been interested in politics. I like to watch the news and keep on top of things. I like to get involved in local things, too."

Her first port of call was the Tory Party. Upper Beeding is a true-blue sort of place, and Donna certainly felt at home there. "But I had a look on the website and, you know, it just didn't talk to me.

"I wasn't particularly impressed by Cameron, and I really objected to the Tories' policy on Europe.

"So then I looked at the BNP website." Hang on a minute. You leapt straight from the Tories to the BNP, just like that?

"Yes. Well, actually, it was the Europe thing that did it. All the other parties want us to be part of Europe, and I think it is only a matter of time before Europe is a superstate, and I object to that.

"Oh, of course I had the same preconceptions. I thought probably exactly the same of the BNP as you do. I thought, if this is all racist, offensive stuff then I am switching right off.

"But it wasn't. It was all perfectly sensible. I found myself agreeing with everything - especially the immigration stuff."

Now this is curious. There is no immigration "issue" in Upper Beeding. There seem to be only three families from ethnic minorities - one Asian family run the local shop, another the Chinese takeaway, and a third the Indian restaurant.

Yet Donna is concerned about "what might happen, in the future".

"There isn't a problem here, but if you go a bit further into West Sussex you start to see problems. I was in Tesco the other day and I heard lots of different languages. Not just one or two."

This is a problem? "Yes. I think people should come here and speak English. That isn't racist. It's common sense. I think the same about Brits who go over to Spain to live. They shouldn't be allowed to open fish and chip shops there. It is offensive."

She says that "of course" she wouldn't want to send any of the local Asian families back to their country of origin, but that repatriation is a jolly good idea.

"On a voluntary basis, of course. We aren't going to force anyone out."

So, her story goes, she found herself popping along for BNP meetings, discovering that the others there were "quite normal too", and somewhere along the way she convinced herself that there was nothing remotely dangerous or sinister about the party.

"It's just the bad press," she insists. At one point, I refer to the BNP as a party to the extreme Right and she disagrees. "I don't think they are to the extreme Right."

I ask her to name me a party that is further to the Right. She flounders. "Well, oh, I don't know. I don't know the names of them but there are some. Maybe that Combat 18. Now they are extreme.2

What about the much-publicised fact that BNP leader Nick Griffin was filmed making overtly racist remarks, rather supporting the view that the BNP's attempts to remodel itself as an acceptable political party is nothing more than a sham?

Her response is slick, and wellpractised.

"Obviously mistakes have been made in the past, but the party has apologised for these, and moved on. That is in the past as far as I am concerned, and a part of taking the party on is about the new membership. It's like New Labour and Old Labour. Completely different."

And that new membership would mean you, and people like you?

"Oh yes. You'd be amazed if you went to one of our meetings. It's all people like me."

While Donna makes no secret of the fact that she is ambitious - when I ask her how far she would like to go up the political ladder, she says, "MP, maybe" - she is adamant that her political views should not be a bar to a place on the parish council.

"I didn't offer myself up as a member of the BNP, so it shouldn't be an issue at all. Actually, I think they are discriminating against me by making it an issue.

"I'm not asking people out there to agree with my politics. If I win are people going to look at the new swing and say 'that's a BNP swing'? Of course they aren't."

But once you've said those three words, British National Party, there is no going back. And yet she's in an odd position here.

Every friend or supporter of Donna's that I meet is keen to tell me that "this isn't about the BNP" rather than accept that they are publicly backing a BNP candidate.

The consensus here is that they love Donna in spite of her politics, rather than because of them. But can such a line really be drawn? How can you divorce the personal from the political? And doesn't someone's political beliefs speak volumes about the sort of person they are?

Her neighbour, James Palmer, is one of those who thinks so. It seems a bit surreal that I only have to hop next door after speaking to Donna to find someone who hates everything she represents.

Intriguingly, James and his wife were once good friends of Donna and her second husband Peter (whom she met after she came to the village and who works in the public sector).

"When we moved in she came round with tea and biscuits, and we thought we'd landed on our feet with lovely new neighbours," says James. One day, however, Donna was in the Palmer house and all the normal neighbour stuff ended.

"We were having a cup of tea and a chat and she said, quite casually: 'Oh, we're getting quite political in our house.' I said: 'Why's that?' And she replied: 'I've joined the BNP.'

"Well, I was so shocked I couldn't think of anything to say but: 'I would like you to leave my house now, please.' Donna wanted to talk about it, but to be honest I couldn't stomach it. She went. Then I just sat there in stunned silence."

Now he calls himself "Neighbour of the Beast" - tongue-in-cheek, granted, but he means it.

"I tried to understand. I went on the website and had a look at their policies but still, it disgusted me. My sister-in-law is Asian. If the BNP had their way she wouldn't be in this country, and I can't abide that.

"Yes, OK, when you look at the website, it all sounds plausible, but it is thinly-veiled racism, and I don't think there should be a place for it in a village like this."

He, too, questions how Donna can say that she would not use her position on the parish council for political gain.

"I know Donna and I honestly don't think she has the best interests of the village at heart. She says she won't use her position to promote her party, but I simply don't believe that."

So does he believe her very presence in this village is some sort of BNP plot?

"I have no idea, but that is what you worry about, isn't it?"

It is a worry that is keeping Simon Birnstingl awake. As the council member who was most vociferously opposed to her application, he is very personally involved here.

Hhe made a passionate appeal for his fellow councillors to reject her, using his own emotive personal history as part of his argument.

"Maybe I shouldn't have done that - and I had to abstain from the second vote because of it - but I told them that members of my family had been victims of the Holocaust.

The prospect of those cattle wagons is a very real one to me.

"I really have no idea if there is some organised BNP push here, but that's what I am worried about. They are all about sanitising and making acceptable a very unpalatable set of ideals."

Donna's supporters scoff. "Dangerous? Donna? Of course not," says Lorraine Blain down at the local pub, laughing at such a preposterous notion. "She's just a mum like me who cares about what happens in this village."

And this perhaps is the most terrifying part of all. Simon Birnstingl believes that real disenchantment with Westminster politics has brought the village to this point.

He says many locals are so far removed from the political process - and Westminster politicians so illinformed about what is actually happening in places like this - that parties like the BNP are being allowed to make themselves acceptable.

"There are real issues that are not being addressed, and people are just switching off. I think it is horrific that a lot of people just shrug when you say BNP. They honestly don't care."

And they don't. I talk to Jo Horsby, a 28-year-old air hostess who plans to vote for Donna on Thursday. "If you are successful, won't you have effectively given the BNP a vote of confidence?" I ask.

"Oh I stay out of the politics. It hasn't got anything to do with me," she says.

In truth, she hadn't even heard the name BNP before all this fuss, and now it seems that what she has heard has come from Donna.

"The thing is I think Donna will do her best for the village. She has kids of her own. She cares about what happens here. And if we want the teenagers off the streets, she's our best hope."

So there you have it. If Donna wins on Thursday, Upper Beeding might well get its new toddler swing. But will the price be worth paying?

That is a whole new question.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Daneskjold - Den danske legion

Daneskjold - Hvid stolt nationalsocialist

Thursday, January 10, 2008

France Aux Francais

Stahlgewitter - Ruhm und Ehre

Aryan Child

The Truth about Diversity

Quatre mille conversions à l’islam en Allemagne en 2006, un boom inédit

L’Allemagne a connu un boom inédit d’au moins 4 000 conversions à l’islam en 2006, contre un millier l’année précédente qui faisait déjà office de record, a indiqué hier l’Institut central des archives de l’islam en Allemagne.

Le pays compte désormais au moins 18 000 Allemands « de souche » convertis à l’islam, selon le directeur de l’Institut, Salim Abdullah. Mais ce chiffre, très difficile à évaluer en l’absence de données officielles, pourrait s’élever à 100 000, selon Claudia Dantschke, experte en matière d’extrémisme, citée par la quotidien Die Welt.

Selon Salim Abdullah, ces conversions résultent parfois de la défiance même vis-à-vis de l’islam d’une partie de l’opinion publique. « Beaucoup de ceux qui réfléchissaient à se convertir ont franchi le pas par solidarité », notamment après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, a affirmé M. Abdullah à la presse. Jusqu’en 2001, 250 à 300 personnes se convertissaient chaque année, a-t-il ajouté. Environ 80 % des convertis étaient auparavant chrétiens, contre 20 % sans confession, a-t-il
précisé, et 60 % sont des femmes. Les convertis sont de tous âges, la tranche des moins de 30 ans n’étant pas sur-représentée, a précisé Salim Abdullah.

Par ailleurs, l’expert en terrorisme, Rolf Tophoven, a mis en garde contre le fanatisme de certains Allemands convertis à l’islam. M. Abdullah a abondé dans ce sens : selon lui, parmi ceux qui se convertissent à l’islam, 1 % le font parce qu’ils tendent vers une violence motivée par des considérations religieuses. « Ce n’est pas rien », a-t-il jugé.

L’année 2008 ouvre une voie bien sombre pour le pouvoir d’achat des Français

Le pétrole semble disposer d’un avenir très sombre et l’inflation de ces dernières semaines n’arrange rien au porte-monnaie des Français. La semaine dernière, le prix du baril a atteint la barre des 100 dollars. Ces mercredi 2 et jeudi 3 janvier 2008, ont vu pour la première fois un record historique sur le prix du pétrole.

Le ministre du pétrole algérien, Chakib Khelil, a déclaré qu’une nouvelle hausse des prix du pétrole était à prévoir et qu’il estimait que « Ce n’est pas nécessairement un prix très élevé ».

Quant à la Ministre de l’Economie, Christine Lagarde, a mis en garde l’opinion publique en affirmant qu’« On est entré dans une ère du pétrole cher. Nos économies vont devoir s’y habituer ».

Jusqu’à ce jour, les dirigeants politiques ont joué la carte de l’attentisme sans prendre d’importes et d’urgentes mesures politiques. Pour pallier à ce manque de réactivité économique et à ce manque de vision politique, le gouvernement vise systématiquement une augmentation des prix des matières premières.

Depuis le 1er janvier 2008, les Français voient le prix du gaz augmenter. Prochainement, nous assisterons à l’augmentation du prix de l’électricité et de l’eau.

Les citoyens voient quotidiennement leur pouvoir d’achat s’effriter et s’affaiblir. Toutefois ils ont le triste privilège d’assister à l’augmentation du prix de l’électricité, du gaz, du téléphone, du pétrole, de l’eau et de la nourriture.

Désormais il sera important de travailler plus pour payer plus afin de survivre un peu plus.

Vladimir Poutine nomme un nationaliste représentant de Russie à l’Otan

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a nommé Dmitri Rogozine, figure nationaliste de la vie politique en Russie, ambassadeur auprès de l’Otan, a annoncé le Kremlin jeudi dans un communiqué.

M. Rogozine, 44 ans, s’est fait connaître sur la scène politique russe par ses positions ultranationalistes, dénonçant notamment les atteintes aux droits des minorités russes dans les pays baltes.

Ancien député du parti Rodina, la Patrie, il a rompu avec ce mouvement en 2006, et a fondé sa propre formation en avril 2007, la Grande Russie, mais cette dernière n’a jamais été officiellement enregistrée.

Sa candidature au poste de représentant de la Russie auprès de l’Otan avait été approuvée par la Douma (chambre basse du Parlement russe) en novembre 2007, et M. Rogozine avait alors promis qu’il s’opposerait à l’indépendance du Kosovo.

La Russie a accordé un soutien sans faille à la Serbie dans sa farouche opposition à l’indépendance du Kosovo, région à majorité albanaise.

Suède, le royaume des migrants

Assis sur un tatami, Diabaté Dialy-Mory, dit «Dallas», surveille les gosses qui s’échauffent en rythme avant le cours de boxe. Derrière ses petites lunettes rondes, le Sénégalais à la barbe blanche garde l’œil. Il ne tolère aucun bavardage. «Je suis dur, mais ils en redemandent, parce qu’ils savent que je suis là pour eux», dit-il. Avant de prendre sa retraite l’an dernier, il a travaillé plus de trente ans comme éducateur à Rosengård. Dans ce quartier du sud de Malmö, 85 % des 22 000 habitants sont nés à l’étranger ou issus de parents nés hors de Suède. Agé de 65 ans, Dallas y est presque aussi célèbre que Zlatan Ibrahimovic, l’attaquant de l’Inter de Milan, qui a grandi à quelques encablures de là. Il est arrivé en Suède en 1964. La boxe a été pour lui «une porte d’entrée dans le pays». Musulman pratiquant, il prêche, depuis, l’intégration par le sport. A l’entraînement, les jeunes doivent parler suédois. Dallas connaît leurs parents, suit leurs résultats scolaires et les encourage même à faire leur service militaire, «pour qu’ils réalisent qu’ils appartiennent à la société suédoise». Il veut que, comme lui, ils se sentent chez eux en Suède et qu’ils comprennent qu’«on fait tout pour les intégrer ici». A la différence de la France. «J’ai beau parler français, constate-t-il, je ne me suis jamais senti à l’aise.»
En matière d’intégration, la Suède surpasse tous ses voisins, arrivant en tête du dernier classement européen Mipex (lire ci-contre). Sans passé colonial et à l’écart des grandes voies de communication, le royaume scandinave a longtemps été une terre d’émigration et est doté d’une population ethniquement très homogène. Mais depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la tendance s’est inversée. La Suède a d’abord ouvert ses portes à la main-d’œuvre de ses voisins nordiques, avant d’accueillir au début des années 70 les premiers réfugiés et leurs familles, qui constituent désormais le gros des arrivants.

En à peine trente ans, la Suède est devenue une société multiculturelle. Sur ses 9 millions d’habitants, 13 % sont aujourd’hui nés à l’étranger (contre 8 % en France). L’an dernier, le pays a accueilli 95 000 personnes de 169 nationalités, un record depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, et 40 % d’entre eux étaient non européens. Un sur dix venait d’Irak. Plus d’un quart étaient des demandeurs d’asile, et un tiers d’entre eux étaient des candidats au regroupement familial.

Une Africaine au gouvernement

Mais quel est donc le secret du modèle suédois ? «Il y a une dynamique de l’intégration qu’on ne trouve pas ailleurs, avec des objectifs très ambitieux et une idéologie égalitaire à laquelle les gens croient fermement», déclare le sociologue d’origine chilienne José Alberto Diaz. Jusqu’au milieu des années 70, le royaume a mené une politique d’assimilation. S’ils voulaient être acceptés, les étrangers devaient se comporter comme des Suédois. Les Finlandais, qui constituaient les plus gros bataillons d’immigrés, ont protesté.

La première loi sur l’immigration, adoptée en 1975, érige donc «l’égalité, la liberté de choix et la coopération» en valeurs centrales de la société. «Les Suédois et les immigrés ont les mêmes droits, résume José Alberto Diaz, y compris celui d’être différents.» Depuis 1976, les étrangers peuvent voter aux élections locales. Mais le royaume les encourage aussi à s’organiser en associations culturelles, et il offre à tout enfant d’origine étrangère la possibilité d’apprendre à l’école la langue de ses parents. «L’Etat ne se mêle pas des questions d’identité, déclare le sociologue. Chacun doit pouvoir s’intégrer, sans renoncer à ses racines.» La ministre de l’Intégration approuve. Née au Burundi, où ses parents zaïrois s’étaient réfugiés, Nyamko Sabuni est arrivée en Suède en 1981, à l’âge de 12 ans. D’autres immigrés l’ont précédée au gouvernement, mais elle est la première Noire à accéder au rang de ministre à Stockholm - en 2006, au sein du nouveau gouvernement libéral. Elle juge sévèrement la France, qui, dit-elle, «a sans doute posé des exigences trop dures à ses immigrés» sans leur donner les moyens de s’intégrer.

A Malmö, tout commence au bureau des migrations. L’édifice en brique rouge ne cesse de s’étendre. L’ancien port industriel est l’une des premières destinations des demandeurs d’asile en Suède. Avec 27 % de ses 27 000 habitants nés à l’étranger et 8 % nés dans le pays de parents étrangers, Malmö est la ville la plus cosmopolite du pays. Longtemps elle a souffert d’une mauvaise réputation. «C’est en train de changer», affirme l’adjoint au maire, Kent Andersson. L’élu social-démocrate y voit «le résultat d’une très bonne politique de l’accueil». Dès leur arrivée à Malmö, les demandeurs d’asile et leurs familles se voient proposer des cours de suédois. Par ailleurs, face à la venue massive des Irakiens, la commune organise chaque semaine des séminaires d’orientation en arabe. Au programme : la procédure d’asile, l’emploi, le logement, la sécurité sociale, mais aussi la politique de la famille ou la protection de l’environnement. «L’essentiel est de fournir un aperçu sur la Suède, peu importe que la personne obtienne l’asile ou non», observe Eva Skarstam, chargée de l’accueil au bureau des migrations.

Aujourd’hui, 85 % des dossiers sont traités dans les six mois. En 2006, 45 % des demandeurs d’asile et plus de 90 % des candidats au regroupement familial ont obtenu un permis de séjour permanent (1). Une fois leurs papiers en règle, les nouveaux arrivants sont inscrits à un «programme d’introduction», sur deux ans, comprenant vingt heures de cours de suédois hebdomadaires. D’autres suivent des formations professionnelles ou font des stages en entreprise. «Le chemin vers l’intégration est différent pour chacun», note Torgny Enqvist, en charge de ce programme pour le quartier de Rosengård.

Safar John Safi est passé par là. Cet Afghan d’une quarantaine d’années est arrivé il y a un an et demi. Il a commencé par suivre des cours de langue. Puis, il s’est mis à la recherche d’un emploi. «Je vais aux entretiens d’embauche, mais ça n’aboutit jamais», déplore-t-il. En Afghanistan, il travaillait à la caisse dans une boulangerie. Depuis septembre, il participe à un projet pilote, qui propose aux nouveaux arrivants de se former à des professions en manque de main-d’œuvre. Il apprend le métier de programmeur industriel.

Le problème, note la ministre de l’Intégration, «c’est que, si d’autres pays choisissent leurs immigrés, nous accueillons ceux qui ont besoin de notre protection». Des gens qui ne répondent pas toujours aux besoins. Et puis, ajoute Andreas Konstantinides, l’adjoint de quartier à Rosengård , «si les Suédois sont bons pour l’accueil, ils exigent une parfaite maîtrise de leur langue et ont du mal à reconnaître les diplômes étrangers». Il en résulte, dit-il, «une discrimination souvent inconsciente» sur le marché du travail.

Cours de langue maternelle à l’école

Au bureau des nouveaux arrivants, à l’antenne locale de l’ANPE à Malmö, Alan Waktmar est optimiste. Si le taux de chômage chez les immigrés est deux fois plus élevé que la moyenne, il ne dépasse pas 5,3 % à Malmö. La pénurie de main-d’œuvre qui sévit dans le sud du pays a du bon. «Non seulement nous mettons au travail un nombre record de gens, mais les patrons sont obligés de changer d’attitude : soit ils embauchent la main-d’œuvre disponible, soit ils renoncent à des commandes.» L’excellente conjoncture ne profite toutefois pas à tous. A Rosengård, moins d’un adulte sur deux travaille. La ségrégation sociale y est une réalité. Beaucoup d’habitants de Malmö n’y ont jamais mis les pieds. Au commissariat de proximité, on assure pourtant que la criminalité n’y est pas plus élevée qu’ailleurs. Construits dans les années 70, les immeubles ne dépassent pas cinq ou six étages. Ils sont bien entretenus. Les espaces verts abondent. L’adjoint Andreas Konstantinides habite là depuis trente-deux ans. Il réfute le terme de «ghetto», souvent utilisé par les autochtones. «C’est un quartier fantastique où il se passe plein de choses», observe-t-il.

D’origine palestinienne, Nawal Zaaroura vit ici depuis 1992. Mère de quatre enfants, elle n’a pu suivre le «programme d’introduction». Depuis un an, elle participe au projet Trappan («escalier», en suédois), qui s’adresse aux femmes du quartier sans diplôme ni expérience professionnelle. Elle travaille au restaurant d’une association locale. Elle est ravie de sortir enfin de chez elle. «Nous essayons d’offrir à ces femmes une expérience positive de la société suédoise, qu’elles pourront ensuite communiquer à leurs enfants», commente la directrice du projet, Christina Merker-Siesjö.

A l’école de Rosengård, tous les élèves sont d’origine étrangère. Les résultats scolaires ne sont pas bons. «Ce n’est pas étonnant vu ce que les enfants ont vécu avant d’arriver ici», remarque le directeur, Lars Birgersson. L’établissement, qui compte 600 élèves dans le primaire et le secondaire, vient d’être refait à neuf. Ici, le port du foulard est autorisé, de même que l’usage des langues étrangères. «Il est indispensable de maîtriser sa langue maternelle pour apprendre le suédois», estime le directeur. L’imam Ali Ibrahim travaille comme responsable culturel à l’école depuis 1990. Il témoigne : «Beaucoup pensent que leur avenir c’est le RMI. Notre but est de les convaincre qu’il y a un autre monde qui les attend.» Tous les deux sont convaincus que leurs élèves ont de bonnes chances de s’en sortir.

Taric Kilic, 30 ans, est l’un de ces jeunes qui ont grandi à Rosengård. Les yeux gris et les cheveux clairs, il passe souvent pour un Suédois de souche. Ses parents sont turcs. Il parle de la réputation du quartier, qui suit les jeunes partout. «Ce n’est pas facile de trouver son identité.» Il est marié à une Suédoise, père de deux enfants et éducateur dans un centre de loisirs à Rosengård. Il travaille avec des ados. «L’intégration fonctionne bien pour eux. Peut-être qu’ils ont moins de chances qu’un Peter Nilsson aux yeux bleus, mais une fois qu’ils sortent du quartier, ils ont plein de possibilités.»

Cette politique modèle a un prix. En 2006, le ministère de l’Intégration a versé 275 millions d’euros aux communes pour gérer l’accueil des demandeurs d’asile et de leur famille. Malgré le durcissement des lois partout ailleurs en Europe, la droite, revenue au pouvoir fin 2006 après douze ans de règne social-démocrate, exclut de renier le modèle suédois. Ainsi le Premier ministre, Fredrik Reinfeldt, regrettait-il récemment qu’«il se propage une espèce de conception selon laquelle la société multiculturelle ne fonctionne pas». Lui, au contraire, la juge bien «plus excitante et plus intéressante».

(1) A titre de comparaison, la France n’octroie l’asile qu’à moins de 20 % des demandeurs, et un titre de séjour qu’à 45 % des candidats au regroupement familial.

Ce que l'on ne dit pas de la Suède

• Dans la ville de Sundsvall, les jeunes ne s’attaquent plus seulement à la police, aux facteurs ou aux agents du gaz. C’est cette fois une ambulance qui a subi une attaque en règle. Appelée pour porter assistance à une personne qui avait des problèmes respiratoires, une ambulance s’est retrouvée assiégée et empêchée de démarrer par un gang de racailles qui ont éclaté les vitres et défoncé le véhicule à coup-de-pieds. Le personnel médical a réussi a s’échapper et a appelé la police à la rescousse. (Aout 2007) (source)

• En Suède, « Les viols collectifs commis par des immigrés sur des filles suédoises sont devenus banals. Il y a quelques semaines, cinq Kurdes ont brutalement violé une Suédoise de 13 ans. » A Malmö, il y a 5 à 6 fois plus de viols que dans la capitale danoise toute proche, Copenhague. (source)

• En septembre 2007, le chef de l’organisation Al-Qaïda en Irak a proposé une récompense pour le meurtre d’un caricaturiste suédois dont des dessins ont été jugés insultants par la communauté musulmane. Il menace de s’en prendre aux grandes entreprises suédoises. (source)

• La ville de Malmö est le théâtre de 9 fois de plus de vols que Copenhaguen, toute proche.. Certains coupables, arrêtés, et tous d’origine immigrée, ont déclaré : “Nous sommes en guerre contre les suédois”. (source)

• Des partis suédois ont demandé l’interdiction des langues autres que le suédois dans les écoles. (source)

etc… Bref, tout va bien en Suède, dans ce modèle d’intégration…

Expulsion de Norvège du mollah Krekar: l'insurrection irakienne menace

La principale coalition de l'insurrection sunnite irakienne a menacé la Norvège de représailles si l'arrêté d'expulsion prononcé par la justice norvégienne à l'encontre du mollah Krekar, fondateur du groupe islamiste kurde irakien Ansar al-Islam, était mis à exécution.

"Le Front de la réforme et du jihad (RJF) veut exprimer sa préoccupation sur le sort de Cheikh Krekar qui a vécu en Norvège en toute légalité depuis longtemps et n'y a jamais commis un crime", selon un communiqué de ce groupe transmis mercredi à l'AFP.

Le RJF "suit avec attention ce qui se passe" en Norvège, affirme le texte.

La Cour suprême de Norvège avait confirmé le 8 novembre l'arrêté d'expulsion visant le mollah Krekar, de son vrai nom Najmeddine Faraj Ahmad, considéré comme une menace pour la sécurité nationale.

Le religieux kurde ne pourra toutefois pas être expulsé avant que la situation en Irak offre suffisamment de garanties de sécurité.

"Cette question, si elle n'est pas gérée avec attention, aura des conséquences douloureuses pour le gouvernement norvégien", met en garde le RJF.

Et si Oslo "ne revoit pas sa décision, nous appellerons à un large boycottage des produits norvégiens (...)", ajoute le communiqué, qui ne précise pas la manière de mettre en oeuvre un tel boycottage.

"Ils (les Norvégiens, ndlr) devront se repentir de leur décision", avertissent en conclusion les rebelles sunnites, qui promettent de mettre leurs menaces à exécution.

Fondé en avril 2007, le Front de la réforme est la principale coalition de la guérilla sunnite antiaméricaine et est composée de quatre groupes rebelles: l'Armée islamique, l'Armée des moujahidines, l'Armée des Fatihines (conquérants) et une branche dissidente d'Ansar al-Sunna.

Le jugement du 8 novembre mettait fin à une procédure entamée dès 2003, lorsque les services norvégiens de l'immigration, sur instruction du gouvernement, avaient pris un arrêté d'expulsion contre le mollah établi dans le pays scandinave avec sa famille depuis 1991.

Il lui était alors reproché d'avoir violé les conditions liées à la délivrance de son permis de séjour et de poser une menace pour son pays d'accueil.

En Norvège, le religieux s'est illustré à plusieurs reprises en prônant le "jihad" (guerre sainte) en Irak, en comparant l'occupation américaine dans ce pays à l'invasion nazie, ou encore en faisant l'éloge du chef d'Al-Qaïda, Oussama Ben Laden.

Immigration: 1,8 million d'étrangers seront autorisés à travailler en Russie en 2008

MOSCOU, 9 janvier - RIA Novosti. Le gouvernement russe délivrera 1.828.245 autorisations de travail à des étrangers en 2008, a indiqué le service de presse du gouvernement.

Ce nombre a été approuvé le 29 décembre 2007. Le gouvernement a en outre fixé à 672.304 le nombre d'invitations qui seront distribuées en 2008 à des étrangers souhaitant travailler en Russie.

Selon les données du Service fédéral des migrations (FMS), 1,7 million d'autorisations de travail ont été délivrées entre janvier et août 2007, soit deux fois plus qu'en 2006. Plus de 5 millions de demandes avaient été déposées au FMS.

Attali veut relancer l'immigration

Relancer l'immigration et supprimer les départements figurent parmi les propositions phares du rapport sur la croissance dont Le Figaro a eu connaissance.
La relance de la croissance par l'immigration ! C'est l'une des propositions phares du rapport que Jacques Attali s'apprête à déposer sur le bureau du chef de l'État le 23 janvier prochain. Depuis le 30 août dernier, à la demande de Nicolas Sarkozy, l'ancien sherpa de François Mitterrand, entouré d'une quarantaine de personnalités, phosphore sur les pistes à suivre pour retrouver la route de la prospérité. Les rapporteurs de la commission travaillent aujourd'hui sur les dernières pages de l'ouvrage qui devrait compter, de l'aveu même de son concepteur, plus de trois cents propositions. La recherche du consensus n'est pas toujours aisée.

Sur l'immigration, de l'écrivain Theodore Zeldin au psychiatre Boris Cyrulnik en passant par les chefs d'entreprise et autres démographes, il semblerait, selon des sources proches de l'Élysée, que les participants se soient rapidement ralliés à l'idée que la France doit «faciliter la délivrance de visas aux étrangers». Cette conviction se fonde sur deux principes. Pour faire face à un marché du travail en tension, la France devra recourir à la main-d'œuvre étrangère, de plus en plus nombreuse dans les années à venir. Une note récente de Bercy prévoit qu'à l'horizon 2015 la France sera confrontée à des besoins de recrutement évalués à 750 000 par an. Mais surtout la commission va plus loin. Elle considère que l'immigration, facteur de développement de la population, est en tant que telle une source de création de richesse, donc de croissance.

Échecs de l'intégration

L'idée de la réouverture du marché du travail n'est pas nouvelle, même à droite. En 1999, Alain Juppé penchait déjà en faveur de cette thèse. Mais la proposition n'en reste pas moins sulfureuse.

Depuis 2002, Nicolas Sarkozy, qui s'est frotté aux problèmes d'immigration au ministère de l'Intérieur, plaide pour une maîtrise des flux migratoires. En 2007, il a inscrit ce projet politique au cœur de sa campagne électorale et en a fait l'un des points d'orgue de son discours. Stratégie qui lui a notamment servi à faire baisser au Front national. En début de semaine, lors de sa conférence de presse, il affirmait haut et fort son intention de poursuivre cette politique avec l'instauration de quotas. Il y a quelques semaines, dans une interview à La Tribune Jacques Attali marquait sa différence : «La France a besoin d'immigration, il faut s'ouvrir aux travailleurs d'Europe de l'Est, aux Chinois, aux pays d'Afrique. Sans cela, toutes nos belles discussions sur le financement des retraites n'auront pas de sens.» Cette proposition promet de relancer la polémique. Les échecs de l'intégration montrent qu'avant d'ouvrir largement les frontières, les dirigeants devront répondre à un certain nombre de questions. Quels seront les effets d'une telle mesure sur le marché du travail ? Ne risque-t-elle pas de tirer les salaires vers le bas ? Quelle politique du logement faut-il mettre en œuvre pour l'accompagner ? Même si les conditions de vie des immigrés se sont nettement améliorées au cours des dernières années, le surpeuplement dans les appartements qu'ils occupent est plus fréquent (28,4 % contre 5 % pour le reste de la population). Enfin, le nombre d'étrangers vivant en zone sensible a augmenté de 13,3 % au cours des années 1990.

Toutefois, Nicolas Sarkozy pourra trouver un lien avec la politique qu'il a lui même engagée dans le travail de la commission. Ce sont en effet les lois de 2006 et de 2007 qui ont autorisé le travail des étudiants étrangers en France à l'issu de leur cursus universitaire ou encore la suppression de l'autorisation préalable à l'embauche dans certains bassins d'emploi ou secteur d'activité. Enfin, la présentation du contrat de travail peut être un des facteurs de régularisation de certains clandestins employés dans des métiers en mal de recrutement.

Grenoble: trois garçons (racaille arabique) qui dévastaient une école arrêtés en flagrant délit

Trois garçons âgés de 11 et 12 ans ont été interpellés en flagrant délit dimanche après-midi à Grenoble, alors qu'ils dévastaient les classes d'une école maternelle, après avoir cassé la porte d'entrée et brisé des baies vitrées, a-t-on appris auprès de la police.

Les garçons, qui ont également cassé des pots de fleurs à l'intérieur du bâtiment, retourné les tables et les bureaux dans les classes et renversé les porte-manteaux, ont été appréhendés à l'école du Lac, à la Villeneuve, un quartier sensible de la ville.

Les trois vandales ont déclaré avoir commis ces dégradations "pour s'amuser". Ils ont été remis à leurs familles, qui sont responsables civilement des dégradations commises par leurs enfants de moins de 13 ans, selon la même source.

Un exemple de racisme anti-blanc: la pochette de Ice-T

Cette pochette est extrêmement révélatrice de la haine et du mépris qu’éprouvent les rappeurs afro-américains pour les petits “diables blancs” de la classe moyenne qui achètent leurs CD.

Au premier plan : un jeune “whigger” (”white nigger”, littéralement “nègre blanc” : qualificatif méprisant donné par les afro-américains aux jeunes blancs qui tentent de singer leur comportement et leurs modes vestimentaires et musicales) blond, sale et mal habillé. Il porte un T-shirt Rasta aux couleurs du reggae. Autour de son cou se balance un pendentif représentant l’Afrique et ses couleurs. Près de lui, sur le sol à droite, on aperçoit - volontairement mal dessinée - une pipe pour crack sensée représenter la source financière des gangs auprès du “sale blanc”, un joint roulé et une bouteille de soda percée servant à la “fumette”. A ses pieds sur sa gauche sont étalés des livres, dont celui de Malcolm X (largement entamé) qui représente la propagande “anti-raciste” favorisant en fait le racisme anti-blanc. A sa droite sont répandues au sol une multitude de cassettes de rap de Ice-T (achète, achète petit blanc !).

L’esprit du jeune déraciné blanc est complètement sous la domination du rappeur au regard hypnotique. Celui-ci lui impose sa volonté, symbolisée par les ondes cérébrales, sortes de volutes de fumée (de crack, de cannabis ?) qui sortent des yeux de Ice-T pour pénétrer dans le cerveau de son jeune fan via les écouteurs du walkman.

Pendant ce temps, à l’arrière plan, se déroule, sous le regard satisfait de “l’artiste” une scène d’effraction et de violences commise par trois jeunes noirs. Le premier, armé, fracture la porte. Un autre, encagoulé, commence à violer la mère du jeune “whigger” pendant qu’un troisième fracasse le crâne de son père à coups de crosse de fusil d’assaut automatique (armes répandues dans ces milieux).

La symbolique est claire : Alors qu’Ice-T a pris le contrôle du cerveau du jeune blanc grâce au rap, aux lectures ethnomasochistes et aux drogues qu’il lui a vendu, ses frères de race afro-américains pillent la maison de celui-ci et massacrent sa famille sans susciter la moindre réaction de sa part. Le rap, la propagande et la drogue ont annihilé chez lui toute fierté masculine, toute volonté de résistance. Il aurait dû être un jeune guerrier défendant son territoire et son clan. Il n’est plus qu’un zombie amorphe, à la merci de ses nouveaux maîtres.

Fury over new gay hate laws which 'threaten free speech'

A coalition of MPs is hoping to halt a gay hate law which will stop Christians pronouncing their beliefs about marriage and family life.
The Tory, Labour and Lib-Dem MPs are demanding an amendment be introduced to the Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill to make sure religious leaders are not prosecuted for criticising homosexual lifestyles.
They are threatening to force a vote on an issue which has split Gordon Brown's Cabinet.
If successful, they would embarrass the Premier and Justice Minister Jack Straw, who has attempted to drive through the provision despite opposition from ministers led by Attorney General Baroness Scotland.
The amendment says nothing should prohibit or restrict "discussion of, criticism of, or expression of antipathy towards conduct relating to a particular sexual orientation, or urging persons of a particular sexual orientation to refrain from or modify conduct according to that orientation".
It mirrors a similar clause in Labour's laws against incitement to religious hatred which was forced through only after a protracted battle in Parliament.
The proposed law against incitement to hatred of homosexuals would carry a maximum penalty of seven years in jail - a longer sentence than the five years handed down to a typical rapist.
It is considered so severe that it has drawn criticism from some homosexuals.
They include Christopher Biggins, actor and winner of last year's I'm a Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here, the former Tory MP and journalist Matthew Parris and the human and gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell.
In Parliament, the amendment has so far been signed by Conservatives Edward Leigh, Bob Spink, Stephen Crabb, Philip Davies, Ann Widdecombe and Philip Hollobone and LibDems Alan Beith and Colin Breed.
Jim Dobbin, David Taylor and Geraldine Smith were among early signatories from the Labour benches and it is expected that many more will join them before the Bill returns tomorrow to the Commons, where it is in its final stages.
Mr Dobbin, MP for Middleton and Heywood, said: "We are not having a go at the gay community but are trying to protect ministers of religion who might want to preach from the pulpit or express concerns in other ways."
Miss Widdecombe said the amendment was vital to stop the further erosion of the right to free speech.
"For the first time in our history you can have a policeman knocking on your door not for something you have done but for an opinion you have expressed and that should be totally contrary to the British way of life," she said.
A month ago Church of England and Roman Catholic bishops united to warn that: "Christians engaged in teaching or preaching and those seeking to act in accord with Christian convictions in their daily lives need to be assured that the expression of strong opinions on marriage or sexuality will not be illegal."
They said the police had already shown themselves to be "over-zealous" against Christians who have publicly expressed traditional views on sexuality.
In 2006 Joe and Helen Roberts, a retired couple from Fleetwood, Lancashire, were questioned by police officers for 80 minutes on their attitudes to homosexuality after they complained to their council about its promotion of civil partnership ceremonies and the distribution of gay rights leaflets in public buildings.
They later won £10,000 in compensation and a cringeing apology from Wyre Borough Council.
Neil Addison, the barrister who represented the couple, said: "Increasingly "hate crime" laws are being used to harass and intimidate ordinary people who dare to disagree with PC orthodoxy."
The gay pressure group Stonewall says the law will permit religious leaders to continue to express their views provided they are temperate and polite.

Europe et rouleau compresseur multi-culturel

Saviez-vous que l’Union Européenne a proclamé l’année 2008 comme “l’Année du Dialogue Interculturel ?”

« Par la décision n°1983/2006/CE en date du 18 décembre 2006 du Parlement européen et du Conseil, 2008 a été proclamée “Année Européenne du Dialogue Interculturel ».

Extraits du site du Ministère de la Culture :
• « Cette initiative vise à développer le dialogue interculturel au sein de l’Union et à inclure la problématique des différences culturelles dans une réflexion sur la citoyenneté européenne. »

Traduction : Pour lutter contre le racisme, vous allez vous manger du tam-tam cette année.

• « En France, cette mission a été confiée au ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, qui coordonnera les initiatives nationales. La stratégie française s’attache à faire vivre et à rendre pérennes des espaces d’échanges et de dialogue entre les cultures.»

Traduction : Avec vos sous, dans les musées, les mairies et les écoles, nous allons vous gaver, vous et vos enfants, de multi-culturel jusqu’à la nausée.

La stratégie française est déclinée selon trois angles :

« 1°) les relations culturelles entre l’Europe et les pays tiers, en particulier les pays du pourtour de la méditerranée conformément au souhait du Président de la République de renforcer le dialogue euro-méditerranéen »

Traduction : Matraquage de ragga, boubous, tam-tams, danse africaine, musique arabe, raï, couscous, femmes voilées qui se dandinent, beautés de l’islam, etc…

2°) les relations entre les cultures des différents pays d’Europe, y compris dans leur dimension linguistique

Traduction : des cours de bulgare, une demi-heure par mois, dans l’annexe de la mairie.

3°) la prise en compte, en France, de la diversité culturelle afin de favoriser l’intégration par le dialogue interculturel, sur la base de valeurs communes

Traduction : Rap à gogo, tag, danse africaine, musique arabe, raï, couscous, femmes voilées qui se dandinent, beautés de l’islam, etc…

« La Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration est associée à cette année… Elle donne une place essentielle à la reconnaissance de la diversité culturelle et organise de nombreuses manifestations… Elle s’est associée à l’Établissement Public du Parc et de la Grande Halle de la Villette pour mener à bien ces évènements. »

Traduction : A la Villette, rap à gogo, tag, danse africaine, musique arabe, raï, couscous, femmes voilées qui se dandinent, beautés de l’islam, etc… Avec en prime, des journaux télé en direct, 200 reportages à la gloire de la diversité.

« Ces manifestations sont très diverses. Elles mêlent des réflexions au travers de colloques et des épisodes plus festifs au travers de spectacles de danse et de concerts. »


Un travail pédagogique doit être conduit afin de mobiliser les jeunes et de les accompagner dans leurs contributions. Cette mission est confiée à Respect Magazine.

Traduction :A l’école publique, vos enfants à qui l’on apprend déjà plus rien, auront droit à de multiples séances de gavage inter-ethnique, d’exposés sur l’Afrique ou la Turquie, et vont apprendre de la bouche de professeurs trotskistes que leurs parents sont d’odieux racistes.

Par ailleurs, le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication dans le cadre de l’Année Européenne du Dialogue Interculturel a mis en place une ligne budgétaire destinée à subventionner des manifestations spécifiques, à dominante culturelle ou artistique.

Traduction : Oui, oui, tout ça avec vos sous.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Let The Awakening Begin!

SarkoZog veut rendre les Immigres egaux avec les Francais

Nicolas Sarkozy veut faire inscrire l'égalité entre hommes et femmes, le respect de la diversité, l'intégration et la bioéthique dans le préambule de la Constitution, a-t-il déclaré mardi devant la presse.

"Je souhaite que le préambule de notre Constitution soit complété pour garantir l'égalité de l'homme et de la femme, pour assurer le respect de la diversité et ses moyens, pour rendre possible de véritables politiques d'intégration, pour répondre au défi de la bioéthique", a lancé le président de la République dans le propos liminaire de sa conférence de presse

Le chef de l'Etat a indiqué avoir demandé à Simone Veil, qui l'a accepté, de présider la Commission qui sera chargée de rédiger un projet de texte.

"Il s'agit que sur les problèmes philosophiques, moraux, éthiques posés par la modernité, notre Constitution soit en avance sur notre temps et non pas en retard", a-t-il expliqué.

"La réalité c'est que quand on a une couleur qui n'est pas majoritaire (...) on a plus de difficultés que les autres", a-t-il dit plus tard en réponse à la question d'une journaliste sur la discrimination positive.

Le chef de l'Etat s'est dit "volontiers" prêt à ne pas employer l'expression "discrimination positive", si l'on "reprend le fond", c'est-à-dire si l'on assure la "diversité dans notre pays".

"La diversité ne s'exprime pas assez dans notre société", a-t-il martelé, évoquant notamment la composition du corps judiciaire, préfectoral, celui des commissaires de police ou encore des "élites", qui portent le "même costume" et fréquentent les "mêmes écoles".

"Ce que je veux c'est que chaque Français, d'où qu'il vienne, se dise qu'il a une chance de s'en sortir (...), que la promotion sociale devienne une réalité", a-t-il ajouté.

'Kill two, get one free': Kenya - Typical Nigger Behavior

SYLVIA MUDEGU knew she was in grave danger in the violent aftermath of Kenya’s disputed presidential election when there was a tremendous hammering on the door of her home.

As she heard the sound of wood breaking, she put her hand over the mouths of her children Esther, 18 months, and Rose, 3, and hid behind a curtain. “Don’t move. Don’t make a noise,” she whispered.

Minutes later the 20-year-old woman was begging for her life. Men wielding sticks and machetes poured into her house, a two-room tin-roofed shack in a malodorous slum on the eastern side of Nairobi, grabbed her hair and dragged her outside.

All around, she saw homes on fire and people fleeing as arsonists and looters tore through the slum taking vengeance on anyone perceived to have voted for President Mwai Kibaki.

Kibaki is a member of Kenya’s largest tribe, the Kikuyu, and the attackers went on the rampage believing he had stolen the election from his challenger, Raila Odinga, in order to stay in power for five more years. Odinga is the leader of the smaller Luo tribe.

Mudegu knew what to expect next. The men from Odinga’s Luo tribe would rape her. With other women, she was taken to a stream by the edge of the slum.

“They raped even the old women,” she said. The screams went on and on. “One girl was 12, and at 12 you know how to scream loudest.”

Mudegu tried to speak with detachment. But a tear on her cheek gave away the fact that she, too, had been raped.

One of hundreds seeking refuge on a piece of wasteland after their homes had been torched, she sat in the open this weekend, surrounded by pots, pans and bags of clothing salvaged from destroyed homes.

“We all worry about the children,” she said. “If they become sick we have no money to take them to hospital.”

As rival mobs were hacking each other with machetes the cruelty of the violence could be seen in the gaping wounds that nurses were washing and bandaging in Nairobi’s hospitals.

There was one teenage boy whose body was perfectly whole except for a calf severed to the bare bone. He had been brought from the slum in a wheelbarrow and his eyes were still wild with fear. Another had a wound in the back from a police bullet. The city morgue was heaped high with bodies.

On Wednesday, during a momentary lull in the fighting, a woman gave birth to a baby girl in the street amid the cheers of the crowd. She had been trying to reach a nearby dispensary but stopped for fear of being killed. Then the fighting began again.

“I cannot believe this is my country,” said a Kenyan businessman when he saw the misery. “We saw these pitiful scenes with refugees from the Sudan and Rwanda and now we are seeing them here in the heart of our own capital. It is unbelievable.

“Kenya has been held up as a model of stability and we Kenyans believed it. Now that has been shattered. I weep.”

The speed of Kenya’s unravelling has been breathtaking. In Africa, one country after another has been racked by political violence, massacres, corruption and civil war. For 44 years, since independence from Britain, Kenya was largely the exception.

It is true that Jomo Kenyatta, its first leader, and his successor, Daniel arap Moi, countenanced little dissent and plundered the national treasury. But viewed against the savagery that descended on its neighbours – Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan and Rwanda – Kenya was a success story. It was an economic hub and a top tourist destination.

Hidden away were problems, however. Kenya is a mosaic of 42 tribes. But since independence the Kikuyu have dominated politically and economically.

Political patronage enabled them to settle across the country outside their densely populated traditional homeland near Mount Kenya. While poor Kikuyu drove communal taxis or ran street stalls, the wealthier ones owned the big businesses.

Their growing presence and economic power attracted resentment, especially in the Rift Valley in the west.

In the last elections many Kalenjin, the original Rift Valley inhabitants, backed Odinga. Other minor tribes threw in their lot with the flamboyant opposition leader, hoping for a better deal under a Luo president. This led to the closest-fought election in African history.

The violence has killed more than 300 people and the wider suffering has been terrible. Half a million need food and 180,000 have fled their homes. Reports from western Kenya said children were dying from exposure. The World Food Programme suggested that up to 100,000 people faced starvation.

The election was projected as a milestone in Kenya’s advance to a more mature democracy. In 2002 Kibaki had put down the first marker on this path when he won a multi-party election that ended Moi’s autocratic rule. Odinga helped in his victory. But the two fell out and became political opponents.

On December 27, Kenyans voted, with Odinga consistently ahead in opinion polls. He won a parliamentary majority, but two days after election day, delays in counting for the presidential contest and rumours of electoral fraud sparked riots.

Last Sunday, Kibaki was declared the winner by 231,728 votes, even though Odinga had led by a substantial margin in preliminary results. Kibaki was sworn in secretively as 152 European Union observers declared the election deeply flawed.

Aggrieved at having apparently been cheated out of power, Luos went on the rampage against Kibaki’s Kikuyu supporters. Even mobile phone text messages called for violence. “Let’s wipe out the Mt Kenya mafia,” they read, a reference to Kibaki’s power base. “Kill two, get one free.”

As the Kikuyu hit back, tribal clashes spread through the Rift Valley and beyond, as far as the teeming slums of Nairobi and on to Mombasa and the Kenyan coast. In the Rift Valley, the Luo were supported by the Kalenjin and another minor tribe.

The resurrection of two violent criminal gangs, the Mungiki and the Taliban, loyal to the Kikuyu and Luo respectively, added a gruesome dimension.

The Taliban were blamed for horrendous killings in which Kikuyu were hacked to death with machetes in the slums of Nairobi. The Mungiki, who are bound by secret rituals, were accused of hacking off heads and mutilating Luo men. It was reported that a number of Luos were admitted to hospital after forced circumcisions.

The Luo do not practise male circumcision, while the Kikuyu are one of several tribes in which it is a rite of passage.

On Tuesday, a new atrocity evoked memories of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which 800,000 people died. Attackers burnt alive Kikuyu women, children and elderly people sheltering inside a church just outside Eldoret in the Rift Valley.

After throwing stones at the church to make sure the refugees stayed inside, they blocked the door with mattresses soaked in fuel, and added piles of dried maize leaves. Then they set the whole lot on fire. Soon the church was a blazing inferno.

A few escaped, including a woman who broke out, her baby in a shawl on her back. The shawl caught fire. The baby fell back into the flames. The woman ran away with her hair on fire, screaming.

Late last week Eldoret was ringed with road blocks guarded by young men with clubs and bows. Passing cars were searched. Kikuyu were being turned back, fined or killed.

The town became a seething refugee camp. Officials said 60,000 people, mostly Kikuyu, had sought shelter in police stations and churches.

“We were beaten up and we are homeless,” said Esther Njoroge, 52, as she cooked a meagre dinner for her family in the shadow of the central police station. “Everything was burnt down. We can’t go back.”

Those who did were killed. Kikuyus said that members of the Luo and Kalenjin were pointing out Kikuyu homes to looters, who burnt them.

About 9,000 refugees were sheltering at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral. They said they could never return home, not only because they feared death, but because they could never live side by side with people from other tribes again.

“We don’t want anything to do with them,” said Daniel Paul, 35. “They have shown us that they do not want us. Some of us they burnt inside our houses.”

Susan Kiarie, 26, said: “They were saying that the Kikuyus have been ruling for so many years and they should not be given another chance to rule. We have no hope because as soon as we go back we will be killed.”

A wave of violence on the eastern coast also cost lives. A mob robbed the store of a prominent local Kikuyu businessman at Miritini, a cluster of houses and shops beside the Mombasa-to-Nairobi railway line 12 miles from Kenya’s famous beach resorts.

Yesterday, international peacemakers pushed Kibaki and Odinga to agree to power-sharing. Kibaki told the American assistant secretary of state, Jendayi Frazer, that he was ready to form a government of national unity to stop the violence.

But Odinga maintained his position that Kibaki had stolen the election and must step down. He wanted a rerun of the polls in three months, managed by an interim government.

Kibaki rejects this unless the courts order it.

Without a rapid solution, Kenya’s image as a haven of stability will be shattered. Thousands of western tourists have already been warned to keep away. The country’s billion-pound tourist industry is in jeopardy, and the unrest threatens Kenya’s impressive recent economic growth.

Although the violence softened at the end of the week, few expect the killing to stop until Kibaki and Odinga negotiate a compromise.

“The level of hatred is very high,” said a Red Cross official. “Violence of tribal origin is the worst. It knows no limits and is extremely difficult to quell.”

Additional reporting: Nick Wadhams in Eldoret, Rob Crilly in Nairobi, Tom Lyons in Mombasa and Hala Jaber

Fundamentalist Islam Finds Fertile Ground in Bosnia

Fundamentalist Islam Finds Fertile Ground in Bosnia

The Dayton Peace Accords called for the removal of foreign combatants from Bosnia after the Balkans war. But hundreds of mujahedeen fighters stayed, and today they are successfully spreading their fundamentalist Islamist views.

Thick iron bars block the entrance to Abu Hamza's store in Sarajevo's Islamic shopping center. Affixed to the bars is a handwritten note: "My Bosnian citizenship has been revoked. I have to defend myself, and for this reason my store is only open sporadically."

Abu Hamza, a bearded 42-year-old man originally from Syria, sits in his store among colorful veils and gold-embroidered tunics and speaks in a gentle voice about Bosnia's fate. He believes that there will be either an evolution of true Islam or a revolution.

Abu Hamza is one of the stars among the missionaries who want to spread a strict interpretation of Islam in Bosnia. He came here in the early 1990s, one of thousands who aided their Muslim brothers in the war against the Serbs. In return, they were given Bosnian citizenship.

This meant that they were "nationalized" and thereby did not fall under the provisions of the Dayton Peace Accords, which stipulated that all foreign combatants had to leave the country. The United States in particular was annoyed by the trick and, under pressure from Washington, a Bosnia government commission revoked the Bosnian citizenship of nearly 400 "suspected mujahedeen of foreign heritage," including Abu Hamza. The suspects are believed to have ties to Islamic terrorists.

American diplomat Raffi Gregorian, deputy high representative for Bosnia, speaks of a growing number of al-Qaida sympathizers in the country. Gregorian works for the Office of the High Representative, the civilian peace implementation agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Terrorism experts fear Bosnia could become a base for extremists, since many Bosnian Muslims have become radicalized through the influence of foreign combatants as well as the charitable Islamic organizations that spread their beliefs with money.

Before the war, women in full-body coverings and men with long beards were a rare sight. Today, though, they hardly turn a head.

Wahhabism is quickly gaining ground in the country, with polls showing that 13 percent of Bosnian Muslims support the conservative Sunni Islam reform movement. The movement is financed primarily by Saudi Arabian backers, who have invested well over a half-billion euros in Bosnia's development -- especially in the construction of over 150 mosques. The 8,187 square meter (88,124 square foot) King Fahd Mosque in Sarajevo alone cost €20 million ($29 million), and it's also where radicals go to pray.

In trying to transform the country into a theocracy, the new preachers of fundamental Islam aren't just fighting with the Koran. In Kalesija, militant Wahhabis drove out the local imam after a fight between local Muslims and the Wahhabis. In the village of Dedici, residents took up their shotguns to defend their mosque against the attacking fanatics. Recently, the Careva Mosque (Emperor's Mosque) in Sarajevo locked its doors during prayer for the first time in its 441-year history when a group of Wahhabis tried to enter and perform their own prayer rites.

A notorious mujahedeen commune in the remote village of Bocinje, 50 kilometers (31 miles) west of Tuzla in northeastern Bosnia, is considered the birthplace of the religious movement. Shortly before the end of the war in 1995, the mujahedeen unit moved into Bocinje. The combatants occupied the homes of Serbs who had been driven out, and they established a fundamentalist enclave there. Among the high profile visitors who have come to Bocinje is Aymen al-Zawahiri, al-Qaida's second in command.

In 2002, after shooting, fighting and legal injunctions, the missionaries were forced to leave the village. But it is believed that camps still exist in the surrounding woods, where Bosnians are trained as terrorists.

One of the leaders of the Bocinje enclave was Abu Hamza, who says he has faith in the country's youth. They have discovered Islam, he says with a smile, as an answer to the nationalism of the Serbs and Croats. "They see us as an authority," he says. "We protected them during the war, while their politicians were safe in shelters or out of the country."

Abu Hamza is unperturbed when older Bosnians sometimes hold out beer bottles to him tauntingly from their cars. He saw Muslims who drank alcohol die in Srebrenica, he says, and it seems almost as if he sees God's punishment in this fact.

Every day he expects police to come and take him to the airport to be deported, he says. But that day has yet to come. The Bosnian government isn't making any moves and the country's interior minister says most of the 400 suspects can't be found.

People like Abu Hamza have made preparations for the worst. Some foreign Islamic organizations plan to claim those without citizenship as their representatives in Bosnia -- and, as a means of precaution, Bosnian sympathizers have adopted their fellow Muslims.

Pakistani-Born Bishop Warns of Muslim No-Go Areas in Britain


The Pakistani-born Bishop of Rochester in the Church of England, Michael Nazir-Ali, who holds dual Pakistani and British citizenship, has said Islamic extremism has turned some communities into no-go areas for people of a different faith or race.

Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, Nazir-Ali, said those of a different faith or race may find it difficult to live or work in some areas due to “hostility. People of a different race or faith face physical attack in some Muslim areas.”

Will he now be accused of racial hatred and charged under the Race Relations Act, we wonder? Or will he be allowed to say that because he is a Pakistani?

Nazir-Ali went on to say that there had been a worldwide resurgence of Islamic extremism, leading to young people growing up alienated from the country they live in. It had also turned “already separate communities into ‘no-go’ areas”.

He said there had been attempts to “impose an ‘Islamic’ character on certain areas”, for example, by amplifying the call to prayer from mosques.

Apart from issues about noise levels, Dr Nazir-Ali said it also raised questions about “whether non-Muslims wish to be told the creed of a particular faith five times a day on the loudspeaker”.

He said the role of chaplains in such places as hospitals, prisons and educational establishments was in jeopardy “either because of financial cuts or because the authorities want ‘multifaith’ provision, without regard to the distinctively Christian character of the nation’s laws, values, customs and culture”.

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